Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Making a "Fresh" Impression for Social Dancers

Social dancing is a unique activity, in that partners may not even know each other, but are put into quite intimate physical contact.  With this in mind, it is very important, especially if the goal is to be a popular partner, that one takes care in both his hygiene and manners. In this blog entry we’ll take on the taboo topic of personal hygiene. It’s not the most pleasant topic of discussion, but if you’re finding yourself often partnerless, take an honest inventory of how you are presenting yourself to others. 

Perspiring is a common side effect of good dancing--it means you're exerting some energy! It should be assumed, especially in a crowded party or in the middle of summer, that pretty much everyone there will be somewhat warm, so be considerate of your partners and take a few preparations to ensure a pleasant atmosphere for everyone.  For the gentlemen, your partners will be very pleased if you plan ahead and bring an extra shirt (or two, if you know you're particularly sweaty) with you. You can discreetly step out to your car to change, or even bring the shirt in your shoe bag and change in the restroom. Not only will your partners appreciate this, but you too will feel more comfortable in a dry shirt. Ladies, even you do perspire!  Be thoughtful and consider your partner as well. Many ladies like to wear sleeveless tops and dresses for dancing, but bring a little lightweight wrap along with you for when you get warmed up. Even a sheer fabric barrier will keep your partner from feeling uncomfortable--don't forget, the man has his arm under your armpit! This is especially important if your partner is not wearing long sleeves.
For both partners, it should go without saying that one must wear deodorant at all times. Not only will your partner thank you, but the entire ballroom will too! 

One last note on this topic is to bring along a small towel with you, to wipe your hands before each dance.  Washing your hands before the start of the evening and at the end of the night, and of course if you make a trip to the restroom, is a good idea to prevent the spread of colds.

For fresh breath, don't forget to bring along your mints and gum. Chewing on gum throughout the night may not be the most attractive way to keep a sweet smelling mouth, but it's better than nothing! Also, it is a kind gesture to offer a mint to your others around you as you are taking one for yourself--you'll be promoting fresh breath for all! 

Even if you are not yet the best dancer out there, keeping good hygiene will ensure your dance card is full.